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Advanced Energy Work 


We are more than just  flesh and bones. We are more than what we can see with our physical eyes. Science has now proven that we are energy. We have an energy field that surrounds us and interpenetrates our physical body. We constantly exchange energy with the energy fields that are all around us. Everything is energy. We are in a continuous flow of giving and receiving energy.

An Advanced Healing Energy Session goes beyond the physical body into the energetic realm to facilitate healing on a quantum level; identifying the root of where stress, physical pain and dis-ease are actually coming from.

In Brennan Healing Science, an advanced form of energy healing, the client’s healing is approached holistically, taking into account their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being and how each impacts the other. Many times it’s our thoughts or emotions that are the cause of stress or dis-ease.  All of our thoughts, beliefs, habits and experiences create energy and are present in our energy field.

Dis-ease shows up in the energy field first as energetic imbalances and distortions. These imbalances are often caused from habitual thoughts, emotions, beliefs, images, intentions, life experiences and the lifestyle we choose to live. Each of these has their own energetic patterns/vibrations.  If these patterns/vibrations are perceived as positive, they create positive vibrations and the energetic body metabolizes the energy as positive and a positive flow of energy is established. If these patterns/vibrations are perceived as negative, they create negative vibrations and the energetic body can experience disturbances and blocks which then need to be cleared. If these disturbances aren’t cleared or resolved, they can eventually manifest as physical pain and dis-ease.

Through Advanced Energy Healing we go beyond the physical body in to the energetic realm, the quantum level and the Four Dimensions of being where the energy field is balanced cleared and charged.  Chakras are restructured and the energy field is repaired.

The healing can be done either in person or from a Distance.

For more information about a Distance Healing click here

*I do not medically diagnose or prescribe treatment. If you have a physical injury or disease condition, I ask that you also be in the care of a licensed medical professional. I do not advise you to discontinue any medical treatment you may be receiving. The work is intended to be in harmony with any other healing work that you undertake, including traditional medicine and psychotherapy. Please feel free to discuss our work with your physician, psychotherapist or others on your care team.

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